Performance TuningERP Testing
NADA Technologies assists software professionals and organizations with improving their ERP testing and quality engineering practices. The company's hands-on experience and training expertise help companies -- large and small -- to improve testing practices, gain measurable control over ERP projects, and ultimately deliver better software and customer satisfaction.

Our testing division concentrates on the following areas

  • Automation for Windows and Unix
  • J2EE Component Testing
  • Functional and Business Scenario Test
  • Load Test

As the design of the software progresses, the Test Plan is also being developed. We use a standard Test Plan template which lays out how testing will be conducted for a project. The Test Plan includes the following elements:

  • Timelines that must be followed
  • Testing resources and roles
  • The type of testing to be performed - system/integration, stress/load, performance, regression, etc.
  • The scope of the testing - the areas of the software that are going to be tested
  • The test environment - the type of network, operating systems, and other configurations that are needed to duplicate the actual environment where the software will be used
  • Risks that could be encountered which would delay the testing process
  • Deliverables that will come out of the test process such as defect reports, status reports, etc.
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NADA Technologies, Inc. 4185 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, Suite 220
Danville, CA 94506